
vernissage on wednesday october 28th in bonn

The exhibition will be opened at the Landesmuseum in Bonn this Wednesday.

This is a good occasion to give a few updates on the participants.

 Photo by: Dar Yasin

Andy Spyra

The new father is working on his first book on Bosnia and his long-term projects on the Middle East. The last months he has spent travelling between Bosnia, Serbia, Turkey, Iraq, Kurdistan, and Germany.

Dar Yasin

This year Yasin has spent a lot of time working abroad, mostly in Afghanistan.
He was one of the fourteen recipients of the Dart Centre Asia Pacific Fellowships 2011 in Bangkok.
His pictures were chosen as picture of the day or picture of the week by several magazines, as TIME and New York Times numerous times.

 Photo by: Enrico Fabian

Lin Zhipeng

Lin has travelled a lot and worked on various art projects. This month he has been one of the artists exhibited at a gallery in Antwerpen.
He has recently published a photo book and is working on a book that will be published in Taiwan in spring 2012.

Enrico Fabian

Is working on his long-term projects in India. He was one of the participants of the Magnum Masterclass in Paris and was selected for the Eddie Adams Workshop 2011 in New York.
Recently the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime published his pictures and the story on drug use in India "Death for 50 Ruppes" and in the German magazine DUMMY  his pictures appeared with the article on manual scavengers in India: "Die Hölle, das sind die anderen".

Christophe Gateau

Inspired by the workshop, Christophe spent two months in Priština where he completed an internship working as a photographer for the Kosovan newspaper Gazeta Express. He was kindly hosted by Atdhe Mulla. Amongst other events he took part in the international film festival Dokufest in Prizren. Now he is back in Berlin working on his own projects in film, music and photography.

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